“What is it?” Isa asked.

“Take that back, Cleo! There is no such thing.”

Cleo removed one of the cucumber slices that Juliet had put on her eyes, frowning over at Kiesha. “Take what back?”

“There’s no such thing as too much sugar.”

Cleo rolled her eyes. “You’re a nut.”

“You need to lie back, Cleo,” Juliet said quietly. “You’ll get wrinkles.”

She talked more around them now, mainly when they were on their own.

“I’ve already got those. Most of them are from Noah.”

Isa shared a look with Georgie. What was going on?

“I meant wrinkles in the face mask,” Juliet said, appearing worried.

“If no one wants these then because they’ve had too much sugar . . .” Kiesha grabbed the bowl of candy that Isa had put out. “My babies.” She dug her hand into the bowl and filled her mouth.

Okay. That was a problem.

She just wasn’t sure what issue to tackle first. Cleo’s announcement or Kiesha’s impending sugar crash and possible humongous dental bill.

Hmm. Cleo first.

“Why is Noah giving you wrinkles?” Isa asked. “And, I want to say, you definitely don’t have any.”

“Because he wants me to do something I don’t want to do,” Cleo said with a sigh.

“What is it?” Georgie asked.

Even Juliet looked alarmed.

“Itsnotgiveupsugarright?” Kiesha asked around a mouthful of gummy worms.

Okay, that candy bowl might not have been Isa’s best idea.

“What did she say?” Georgie asked.

Georgie hadn’t had as many years to decipher Kiesha-with-her-mouth-full-of-candy speak.

“He’s not making me give up candy,” Cleo said, sounding disgruntled.

“Whew,” Kiesha said, swallowing. “Is it backdoor stuff? Because, Cleo, you just got to slick the dick and ride the wave.”

Isa, Juliet, and Cleo just gaped at her.

“Okay, I’m lost,” Georgie said. “Is she talking about . . .”

“Three-car garage, French third base, the rear injection, plundering the booty.” Kiesha said that last one with a huge grin on her face. “I like that one the best. You can say it with a pirate accent.”

“There’s no such thing as a pirate accent,” Isa told her. Okay, she had no idea why she was arguing that point when the rest of it was . . . well . . . yikes.

“Sure, there is.” Kiesha cleared her throat. “Oh ho ho and a bottle of rum it’s booty plundering time.”

It was a terrible pirate voice. But Isa still had the urge to giggle.