To spank it until it turned pink, then red.

“Tink? Is that what you want?” Loki asked.

“What? No!” Isa protested.

“Don’t lie, Isa,” he said firmly.

Her shoulders curved in and a blush filled her face. “I didn’t mean to. I just . . . it’s embarrassing.”

Nope. He wasn’t having that.

There was nothing that she couldn’t tell him, ask of him.

Loki walked over and crouched in front of her. Reaching out, he grasped her chin in his hand. “Nothing between us should be embarrassing, understand? I’m the guy who helped you figure out how to use tampons, for fucks sake. So you want to be spanked? Who cares? You need someone to do it for you, I will.”

Her eyes were wide as she stared at Loki in wonder.

“Really? Would you want to?” she whispered.

“Hell, Isa.” He moved onto his ass, running his hand over his face. It was shaking. He didn’t know what with . . . nerves? Excitement?

He couldn’t believe he was going to tell her this . . . but if she could be brave about her desires, then he could do no less.

“I’ve dreamed about stripping you off, about kissing every inch of your body, of having you in my bed every night, of getting to call you mine. I’ve thought about how I could give you everything you need. Take care of you when you’re Isa. And when you’re Isa-Bee.”

“Isa-Bee?” Remy asked.

“It’s her name for when she’s in Little headspace,” Loki explained. “Taking you over my knee and spanking you? Fuck, yeah. I want to do that. I want to be your fucking everything. But I can’t.”

“Why not?” she asked.

“Because how can I trust that I won’t hurt you?”

Remy cleared his throat and Loki looked up at the other man.

“That’s where I can come in. You don’t trust yourself with her? I can help with that. I can be there to watch over you both. To guide you. I can show you ways to get better control of your emotions and impulses. I can teach you how to tie her up, spank her, how to dominate and punish her.”

They both stared up at him.

“I can give you all that. But you also need something else. To submit to me.”


Remy waited silently.

He tried not to let any nerves show on his face.

But he was fucking nervous. He wasn’t entirely sure how Loki would react.

Remy just hoped like hell that by taking this gamble he wasn’t going to end up losing everything.

Isa was watching them, eyes wide.

Loki licked his lips. “I’m not a sub.”

Right. He could work with that answer. He’d half-expected him to fly off the handle. To get angry.

But Loki looked thoughtful. Even a bit nervous and unsure.