And he fucking hated that Remy had seen him like that.

Isa had seen him having a flashback before, of course. But he’d warned her to stay far away from him. He never wanted to risk hurting her.

That’s why they’d come up with their signal. To help him ground himself.

“You won’t hurt me,” she said soothingly. “You know where you are now.”

“You don’t know that,” he and Remy said at the same time. He didn’t trust himself and she shouldn’t trust him either.

He and Remy looked at each other. Fuck. Seems they were both primarily concerned with her safety.

He was starting to like this fucking guy.

Which was a real problem when he also wished that he’d jump off the nearest cliff.

She frowned up at them. “I don’t know how I feel about this.”

“About what?” Remy asked. He rubbed at his neck and Loki felt a surge of guilt.

Fuck. What would have happened if Isa hadn’t come along when she had? Would he have strangled Remy to death?

Loki had to do better than this.

Panic started to shorten his breath at the thought of accidentally hurting his girl.

“Loki.” She put her hand on his arm and he jerked back.

“You . . . you can’t touch me, Isa.”

“W-what?” she asked, going pale.

“He means right now,” Remy said in a low, soothing voice. “Loki is on the edge. His adrenaline is pumping. And I’m guessing he feels guilty about what just happened as well. So he just needs a bit of space. It’s nothing to do with you, baby.”

Baby? He was calling her baby?

Strangely, that helped clear away the guilt. But jealousy wasn’t a good feeling. Especially when his control was tentative. He could lash out without thought.

He didn’t want to do that anymore. It wasn’t who he wanted to be.

“Take a deep breath in,” Isa told him in a quiet voice. “Let it out slowly. Focus on everything around you.”

Loki loved the way she tried to help him. Even though he hated accepting help.

He’d always been the one to help her.

Protection from her bullies.

When she was upset at something her asshole father had done or said.

On the anniversary of her mom’s death.

When she’d gotten her first period.

When her first boyfriend broke up with her. Loki had broken his nose for making her cry.

Good times. But now it felt like the scales were uneven.

He eyed Remy. Wondering if he was judging him.