Oh. Well played, Mr. Madison. Well played.

Loki kissed the top of her head, before settling her down next to him. Then he put his arm around her shoulders and turned the volume of the game up again.

Okay, so they weren’t going to talk about the fact that he’d just cuddled her on his lap? And kissed the top of her head?

Nope? Nothing. Crickets.

Well, all right then.

Denial it was. She closed her eyes.

“It’s all going to be all right, Tink,” he told her.

Sure. They both kept saying that. But she didn’t see how.

Could she go back to her uncomplicated life now?

Right. The one where you were lonely and sad?

Hmm. Maybe complicated had its place.


Isa stared at her SUV.

It looked just the same as before. Better, even, since it was shiny and clean.

She opened the door but she couldn’t do it. She couldn’t get in it.

Her breathing grew faster and the world around her swam.

Great. She was having a panic attack over the idea of driving her car.

Just. Freaking. Perfect.

This was her life now. She was a mess.

“Easy, Tink. Just breathe. In. Then out. That’s it. And again.” A warm body pressed up behind her. One arm wrapped around her waist while the other one was placed between her breasts.

“Breathe in. Hold. One, two. Now out. That’s it. Do it again. you have this. Well done. Breathe in. Good. Now out.”

Gradually, her racing heart slowed and her breathing eased up.

That was terrifying. Her legs grew weak and Loki held her up. Then he turned her and clasped her tight against him. When he lifted her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Carrying her inside, he kept hold of her as he grabbed his phone. He was speaking but she couldn’t really hear what he was saying through the whooshing in her ears.

Urgh. She needed to get moving. It was Wednesday, which meant there was a staff meeting.

She hated staff meetings, they sucked. But they were mandatory. And if she didn’t hurry up, she was going to be late.

“Ki-Ki, I’ve gotta go to work.”

She winced, closing her eyes. Drat. This wasn’t the time for her to be Little Isa-Bee. Yeah, she had a nickname for her Little. It wasn’t weird, right?

It was time to be Isabelle.

Cool, calm, and collected professional.