Her stomach was still rolling, and exhaustion was a thick wave threatening to pull her under.

But to spend time with Loki . . . a happy, smiling, relaxed Loki . . . she’d put up with anything.

* * *

Remy watched them.

Yep, once again, he was relegated to the outside looking in. It had never worried him before he’d met her. And now . . . he wanted to be a part of it.

Of her life.

Of theirs?

He’d been thinking about that all day, pondering the positives and negatives.

And the only thing he kept coming back to was, what wouldn’t he do to be with Isa?

Would sharing her be worth it in order to have her?

The answer was yes.

But his opinion wasn’t the only one that had importance. His gaze narrowed as she saw her shoulders droop for a moment. He’d seen Loki piggyback her, and had been worried that something was wrong. But then they’d stuffed themselves with sugar . . . something that had made him cringe. They were probably going to feel like crap later. Would they eat a healthy dinner?

Shit. He had to stop.

She looked so exhausted. Couldn’t he see it? Loki turned and glanced down at her. Concern filled his face.

Okay, he saw it.

Leaning in, the other man whispered something to her and she shook her head.

It irritated Remy that he didn’t know what they were talking about. Was he asking her if she was all right?

Was she lying to him?

Had she told him about why she’d run off the road?

He followed them over to the games. They played some before Loki let out a whoop and handed Isabelle an enormous teddy bear. Isa almost stumbled under its weight and Loki quickly grabbed it back.

The person running the stall was looking at Loki in dismay and Remy snorted. It was likely that the game was rigged so no one was supposed to win the big prize. Somehow, Loki had done it.

Loki held the bear in one arm, wrapping his free arm around Isa’s shoulders.

And then they were heading off again. Both of them looked happy.

Isa looked adoringly up at Loki, then away. Likely missing that Loki looked at her exactly the same way.


Isa smiled as she watched Loki in the bumper cars. A boy who looked to be about ten had just smashed into him and Loki whooped, holding out his fist for the kid to bump.

She leaned against the giant teddy bear he’d won her. It was utterly ridiculous. Enormous. Crazy. So over-the-top.

And she adored it.

In fact, she’d decided she was going to sleep with it. Maybe a nap this afternoon. A wave of fatigue washed through her. Why was she so tired? They hadn’t been at the fair that long. Usually, she could spend most of the day here without getting tired.

Loki had wanted to take her home after winning Mr. Biggles for her. That was the name of her bear. But she’d insisted he at least play the bumper cars.