“You won’t,” she whispered back, taking his hands in hers and drawing them away from his face.

“Promise me you won’t let me,” he said desperately.

“I promise. It won’t happen. Come on, we both need to sleep.”

His eyes moved over her face. She looked as tired as he felt. “Is everything all right, Tink?”

She smiled. “Of course.”

“You wouldn’t lie to me, right?”

“We don’t lie to each other.” She sighed. “I just . . . you know the company I work for was bought by another company. It’s a bit stressful there at the moment.”

“Is someone bullying you?” Anger filled him. He didn’t like bullies. But he really hated anyone upsetting his girl.

“What? No. Sheesh, Loki. I’m not five anymore. I’m not being bullied. It’s just work. Honestly. And I’m a bit tired. And so are you. Lay down. I’m sleeping with you tonight.”

“I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” What if he had another nightmare? What if he hurt her in his sleep?

“It will be fine. You’re exhausted now. You never have two nightmares in the same night.”

That was true. And he selfishly wanted her next to him, curled up in his arms.

“I should shower.”

“You’re good,” she told him. “Stop making excuses so you don’t have to sleep beside me.”

“Not that, never that,” he mumbled, drawing her close as he lay on his back.

He breathed in her scent.



“I might need to get away for a few days. Clear my head.” It’s what he did when things got too much. When the memories built up.

He felt her stiffen, then relax. “Okay. I’ll miss you. Leave me a note if I’m not here and let me know when you’ll be back.”

Isa heardhis breathing deepen and let out a sigh of relief. She hated when he had these nightmares. And like hell, was she ever going to just lie in her bedroom and let him suffer alone.

That’s not what you did for your friends.

And it wasn’t what you did for the man you’d loved forever. Even if he didn’t feel the same way about her.

It made her sad, but she’d never risk their friendship.

Besides, Loki didn’t share her kinky interests, anyway. Not that she’d ever actually played with a Dom. Or had a Daddy Dom. But she was jealous of her friends and their relationships.

Georgie, Kiesha, and Juliet all had men who were Daddy Doms. Juliet had two!

Isa wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted, but when she read stories about dominant men who protected, cherished, and disciplined their women . . . well, it made her long for something she didn’t have.

CJ Bennett’s books were her favorite. And she lived at Sanctuary Ranch.

Isa loved sleeping with soft toys, she liked girly things, and she longed for someone to take control. To take care of her in all ways. But her dad had always made her feel ashamed of who she was.

Every time she saw something cute, she could hear her dad’s voice in her head telling her to grow up. To act her age.