She really didn’t want a ‘chat’.

“Loki, I’m fine.”

He tugged her over to a quieter area of the fair. They’d only been here for a couple of hours, but she was already tired.

Of course, Loki had her going all over the place. He loved fairs. Even if he wasn’t particularly fond of the crowd of people.

Some of his friends waved at them, yelling his name. He waved back.

“You don’t have to stay with me if you’d rather go see them,” she said.

And then she could avoid his chat.

He shot her a look. Right. So it seemed she wasn’t getting out of this. He reached a block wall that formed part of the school fence since the fair was held in the school grounds.

Turning to her, he lifted her onto the wall, then pushed himself between her legs. They were now face-to-face.

Also not good.

She swore that sometimes Loki could see right to the heart of her.

“What’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” she asked, looking everywhere but at him.

“Uh-uh. I know your tricks, missy.” He spoke in a low, firm voice.

Isa had heard that voice before, and it always made her pay attention. Her insides tightened. She wondered what it would be like if he used that voice on her in other ways?

Maybe to order her onto her knees to suck his cock?

What was wrong with her?

Best friend. Best friend. Best friend.

“You’re in your head, Isa.” He tapped her forehead. “You and I both know that’s not always good for you.”

Right . . . because her thoughts tended to spiral. She’d start to think of all the ways she wasn’t good enough.

“I’m all right. I’m not having bad thoughts.”

He eyed her for a long moment. “Then what is going on?”

Isa chewed her lip, uncertain what to tell him.

“It’s about him?” Loki asked.

She breathed out a sigh. “Do you think it was odd he left so early?”

Was Remy upset with her? He hadn’t even left a note.

“No. He probably had things to do back on Sanctuary Ranch.”

Of course. She was likely worried about nothing. But she wondered if he’d changed his mind about wanting to date her. Perhaps it was best if he had.

“Tink, talk to me. Do you . . . do you want to go talk to him?”

“What? Oh no. No.” She really, really didn’t. “I’m sorry I’m so quiet. I’m just tired.”