He breathed out a sigh. “Sorry I reacted like that. It was . . . a surprise. But this is your house too and you have the right to invite over whoever you like.”

“Well, I didn’t exactly invite him.”

Loki grew tense. “He forced his way in here?” He knew it!

He was going to kill the bastard!

“Um, well. The thing is . . .”

Why was she so hesitant to tell him? They told each other everything. Didn’t they?

“Isa? What is it?”

“I had some car issues,” she said. “Remy came along and helped me. Then he wanted to stay here so I wasn’t alone. And he helped me make the cupcakes. Made me dinner. He’s been really kind to me, Loki.”

Loki just bet he had.

And fuck! He should have been the one here to help Isa. Why did he always fuck this up?

He had to do better than this.

For Isa.

He loved her, but he knew he couldn’t be everything she needed. Isa deserved someone stable. Someone who could look after her. Especially when she was in Little headspace.

She needed a Daddy.

And Loki wasn’t that.

But fuck . . . he wished he was. Sometimes he had ideas . . . things he’d like to do to her. Tying her up featured heavily.

However, there was no way he could trust himself to take charge like that. What if he had a flashback? What if he accidentally hurt her?


It was much safer that he didn’t engage in anything like that. Not with his Isa. It was his job to protect her.

Even if that meant protecting her from him.

“Fuck, sorry, Tink. I was supposed to help with the cupcakes. I forgot.”

“It’s all right.” She leaned into him, patting his chest. “I understand.”

Part of him wished that she’d rage at him. That she wouldn’t be so fucking understanding.

Because it wasn’t right that he forgot. That he didn’t do something he’d promised to do.

Then something else occurred to him and he grabbed her hands, inspecting them closely.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Jennifer and the others. They didn’t attack you when you went to get the eggs? Or did you go buy some?” His gaze went to the window. If he opened the curtains would he find a psychotic chicken on the other side?

He had no idea how his chickens had come to be possessed. All he knew was that they were.

“Um, actually, Remy got the eggs for me.”

Fucking Remy.