The room was dark. Remy wasn’t sure how long he’d been asleep, but he was guessing for a few hours.

“Loki,” he said. “I didn’t hear you.”

“No one hears me unless I want them to,” Loki replied in a low, dark voice. “And you weren’t supposed to. Now, why the fuck are you in my house?”

Okay . . . this wasn’t the Loki he was used to. That Loki was wild. Almost manic. Carefree and irreverent.

But this Loki wasn’t full of fun and riding a high.

This Loki was serious. Deadly serious.

And it was a reminder to Remy that people could have many sides to them and not to take them at face value.

“I’ve been looking after Isa,” Remy told him.

“And why the fuck would Isa need you to take care of her?” Loki replied.

“Because you weren’t here.”

Fuck. He knew it was the wrong thing to say as soon as it came out of his mouth, but he couldn’t help it.

The knife pressed into his skin and he felt the sting as Loki cut him. Fuck. The blade was sharp.

Loki wasn’t playing around.

Remy knew that he had to keep calm.

“I’m going to sit up,” Remy told him. “Remove the knife.”

“Like fuck. You shouldn’t be here. Isa didn’t need you. She has me!”

But you weren’t here.

The words were between them and he could hear how Loki’s breath had grown faster.

“I’m always there for Isa.I’mall she needs.”

Remy didn’t think that was true. Isa needed someone she could rely on. But Loki was her best friend, not her man. So it wasn’t up to him to take care of Isa.

That was going to be Remy’s job.

“I’m sorry I said that. I know she has you. And that sometimes you need to get away. That’s your business. But Isa is mine.”

“Isa is not your fucking business!” Loki yelled.

Fuck. He wasn’t sure what was better. Cold and deadly Loki with a knife or wild and crazy Loki with a knife.

“What’s going on in here?” A light came on, and he glanced over to see Isa standing in the living room, rubbing at her eyes. “Loki! You’re back.”

She started running at them. Didn’t she see the fucking knife? Remy braced himself, ready to grab the knife and injure himself rather than have her hurt.

But Loki slid the knife away and held his arms out for Isa.

For Remy’s girl.

He watched as the other man picked her up and she clung to him like a monkey.

While he knew that Isa felt something for Loki, he hadn’t known whether it was reciprocated.