“Because she’ll feel like she has to say yes, because you’re her friend.”

“Wouldn’t quite call us friends. And I think she’d like that. Why wouldn’t she?”

“I dunno. I don’t think we should bother her. She’s important.”

He didn’t like the way she said that.

“Did Loki make you feel bad about it?” Was that why she was acting almost ashamed of being a Little?

“What? No! Loki would never do that! It’s just . . . I dunno. I just feel like other people will ridicule me.”

Other people? Of course there were always assholes out there that would take any opportunity to put someone down. That’s what assholes did.

But there were plenty of good people in Wishingbone, and the fact that her friends were Littles kind of paved the way for her.

“Are you worried about what your family will think?” he guessed.

“I don’t want to talk about them.” Her thumb slid back into her mouth.

Hmm. He’d probably pushed her as far as he should.

And he had his answer.

So, instead, he stood and drew her up into his arms, cradling her against his chest.

“You don’ts got to carry me everywhere.”

“You don’t like it?” he asked as he headed to her bedroom.

However, she simply sighed. “I likes it.”

“Good girl for telling me the truth. I want you to get ready for bed. I’ll come say goodnight soon.”

He set her down in her room, and she looked up at him before reaching up to rub her eyes adorably.

“You’re leaving?” she asked.

Was that a glint of fear in her face?

Or was he just hopeful that she wanted him to stay?

“I’m going to sleep on the couch again tonight.” He watched her closely and was certain that was relief he saw.

He wasn’t sure, though, if she was worried about something happening to her.

Or she just didn’t want him to go.

And he really hoped it was the latter.


Something sharp and cold pressed against his neck.

He opened his eyes, instantly awake. Years of sleeping rough meant that he had some well-honed instincts about when someone was close to him. Even when asleep.

So it was a hell of a shock to open his eyes to a man looming over him, a knife at his throat.

“What the fuck are you doing in my house?”