He’d forgotten how much fun it could be to look after a Little. To care for them, feeding and dressing and playing with them. Sure, he might only be seeing a small part of her and she wasn’t fully in Little headspace. But he couldn’t deny how good he felt.

Another piece of chicken that she chewed slowly, clearly flagging. He ate several bites. His stomach felt like it was going to cave in on itself. Remy was a big guy and he needed a lot of fuel.

“Do you . . . do you really think something will happen to me if you’re not there?”

He stared down at her as he finished up. “Rationally, no. But just like some four-year-olds aren’t logical, same can be said for forty-two-year-old men.”

She let out a small giggle. “Silly. Nothin’ is gonna happen to me. I’m inde-inde-you can’t destroy me.”

God, she was so cute.

“That’s good. I don’t want you to be destroyed. But you still need to be careful sometimes. I can’t protect you all the time.”

“You can’t? You means you aren’t a superhero?” She gasped sarcastically.

“Brat, you are really heading for a hot ass.”

“Nuh-uh. I don’t want a hot ass. Sounds painful.”

“That’s the point. You ever been spanked, baby?” he asked.

“Couple of times. Zero stars. Do not recommend.”

“Yeah? Then I guess you’re just going to have to be a very good girl so you don’t earn a spanking.”

“That sounds boring. Also zero stars.”

“You’re going to test me, aren’t you?”

She just smiled.

Oh yeah, she sure was.

Then she yawned.

“Bed-time for Little girls.”

“Little? How do you know I’m a Little?” Then she went bright red. “Or was that in reference to how short I am?”

He cleared his throat. “No, it wasn’t about your height. I’d guessed you were a Little but I wasn’t entirely sure. There’ve been a few clues.”

“No one else knows that. Except for Loki.”

“Wait. No one?” he asked in shock.


“Not even your friends? Why haven’t you told them?” he asked.

She shrugged. “Well, Kiesha is kind of out there. She’s never hidden what she is. And even though Juliet is shy and quiet, in a way, she doesn’t actually hide it either. Then Georgie . . . she’s so tough and strong. She doesn’t care.”

“I’m not sure I’m following, baby,” he told her.

She chewed at her lip, but he wasn’t having that. He pulled her lip free. “Be kind to yourself.”


“Be kind to yourself. I’ve seen how kind and loyal you are to others. You need to do the same for yourself.”