Then he half-turned to face her, forking up some chicken. “Take your thumb out of your mouth, baby. You need to eat.”

She scrunched up her nose adorably, shaking her head.

“Yes,” he said in a firmer voice. “Just five bites, then I’ll put you to bed.”

She shook her head again.

“Isabelle,” he said warningly. How did he not know her middle name by now? “What’s your middle name?”

Her mouth opened and she drew her thumb free. “It’s Evelyn.”


“It was my mom’s name.”

Her mom who died. A wave of sadness filled him. “I’m sorry, baby.”

She shrugged, but he could tell she still felt the pain of that loss.

“Baby, I want you to eat a bit, please? For me. I’m worried about you.”

Isa stared at him in surprise. She’d probably been expecting him to order her to eat. But she needed some softness right now.

To his surprise, she nodded.

He fed her a forkful of chicken, watching her closely as she ate it. She turned her face away, blushing. “Am I chewing too loud?”

“What? No. Why?”

“You’re, um, staring at me.”

“You’re so beautiful. Hard to tear my eyes away.”

She looked at him, her mouth parted in surprise. He took the opportunity to feed her a piece of broccoli. She chewed it without protest.

A Little who ate her veggies without protest?

Surely, that was almost unheard of.

“Is that why you watch me all the time?”

He had to hide a smile. “That’s part of the reason. Yes.”

“Me? You thinkI’mbeautiful.”

Remy frowned. “I don’t like how incredulous you sound.”

“I mean . . . I’m more, like, average. Okay. Nothing memorable. Move on. Three out of five stars.”

“Baby girl, you are pushing my buttons here.” And she was about to find herself with a red bottom.

He wasn’t putting up with this sort of behavior.

First she didn’t think she was cute? Now she didn’t believe she was beautiful?


“I am?”