She should tell him to put her down. Get some distance.

In a minute . . . yep, in a minute, she would definitely do that.

Isa felt so rightin his arms.

He could hold her like this forever. He kissed the top of her head and rocked her back and forth for a while. She relaxed in his arms and he couldn’t help the surge of satisfaction he got from taking care of her.

His girl.

He hated that some asshole had run her off the road. That they might have turned around and come back. Nope. That didn’t sit right at all with him.

Unfortunately, they had no way of knowing if it was the same car. And even if it was, whether it was random or not.

He wanted to ask her if she knew of anyone who would want to hurt her. But he’d just gotten her settled and he still had to feed her. Plus, he couldn’t imagine anyone getting so upset at Isa that they’d want to harm her.

It had to be someone just being a jerk. Or maybe they’d felt bad and come back to check on her but gotten scared when they saw him approaching.

That made more sense.

“How you doing, baby? Ready for dinner?” he asked.

“I’m not hungry.”

Damn, she sounded so exhausted it hurt him. He wanted to wrap her up tight and rock her until she fell asleep against him.

“You should eat.” She barely weighed anything in his arms. When she was standing, the top of her head barely reached the middle of his chest.

It was tempting to just carry her everywhere.

“Don’t wanna.”

“You’ll feel better if you eat.”

“Nuh-uh. Won’t. Want Razzie and bed.”

He nearly froze. It took a lot to make himself act relaxed. To keep rocking her gently.

But he was certain that she was slipping into Little headspace. And it was making his Daddy Dom instincts sit up and sing. He kissed the top of her head, breathing in her coconut scent.


“Baby, you need to eat.”

There was a sucking noise, and he shuffled her in his arms so he could see her face. She was leaning against him, her thumb in her mouth.


He wondered if she’d ever used a baby bottle before. If that would be something she was into. But this wasn’t the right time. He wasn’t sure how he was going to get her to eat, but he had to try.

Moving over to grab a clean bowl, he held her with one arm under her ass as he dished some food out with his free hand. Then he brought the bowl and a fork back over to the couch. Sitting, he placed the bowl on the coffee table and settled his girl sideways on his lap.

“Daddy, no,” she murmured.

Don’t tense.

Don’t draw her attention to what she just said.

Remy didn’t want to push her out of her sleepy Little headspace. Grabbing the bowl with his free hand, he immediately realized this position wouldn’t work. He slid her over so she was resting with her back against the arm of the sofa and her legs over his lap.