He just shook his head. “I’ll clean this mess up. Then you can get down. Have you got a dustpan and broom?”

“Yeah, in that cupboard.” She pointed to the cupboard behind him as she swung her legs back and forth. “Can’t I help? It’s boring up here. And I’m hungry.”

He grabbed an apple from a bowl. Huh, when had those gotten there?

Well, obviously, he must’ve bought them and put them in a bowl. Which was super sweet of him.

“Snack on this. And if you’re bored, I have something you can do.”

“What’s that?”

“Tell me exactly what happened last night.”



Her and her big mouth. Why hadn’t she just done as he’d said?

“Actually, I’m fine now with this apple to entertain me, thanks.”

“That wasn’t a request, baby.”

“Is anything you say actually a request?” she asked.

“Very little.”

“Sheesh. I already told you what happened last night, though. So I don’t know why we have to go through it again.”

“Perhaps you missed some details.” As he spoke, he swept up.

Shoot, she’d made the mess so she should have tidied it up.

“Maybe I could make dinner,” she suggested.

“I thought you said you can’t cook.”

“I make a mean toast with jam.”

“You have jam?” he asked.

“Um, perhaps not.” She couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen any. “Make a mental note, Isa. Must buy jam.”

“How about you write an actual note?”

“Make a mental note, Isa. Must buy note paper.”

Remy stared at her for a long moment before sighing. But she saw his lips twitch. She was eighty-nine percent sure she did, anyway.

“Tell me about last night again.”

Isa stared down at her nails. She needed to get them redone. This time, she wanted pink and sparkly.

“Isabelle. You’re not getting off that counter until you talk to me.”

That was just rude.

“What if I have to pee?”