Would he push her? Of course he would. This was Remy. He was demanding.

“All right.” He eased back.

Wait. What was happening right now?

“That’s it?” she asked.

“What’s it?”

“You’re not going to demand I tell you?”

He eyed her for a long moment. “Want you to tell me the truth, but I don’t have the right to demand all of your thoughts. I’d likely wreck something between us if I did. I want you to trust me enough to share with me.”

Holy. Heck.

Who was this man? And how did he know how to say all this stuff? Isa didn’t know how to talk like this. It was so darn . . . grown-up. Yeah, her emotional growth might be slightly stunted.

“Trust you?”

“Yes, I want you to trust me. But trust has to be built. It’s not just given away like a lolly scramble.”

“What the heck is a lolly scramble?” she asked.

He smiled. “I once lived with a bunch of Kiwis who told me about them. It’s where they throw candy to kids to pick up.”

“Sounds . . . interesting.”

“When you trust me more, you’ll tell me what you’re thinking and feeling. In the meantime, if you do tell me something, make sure it’s not a lie, okay?”

“And if I don’t want to tell you something?” she asked.

“Then you say that.”

“That simple?” she asked.

“Most things in life are, Princess.”

“You’ll do the same?” she asked.

“Yes,” he replied instantly.

Suddenly, she wanted to tell him. Even if he got mad. “I was trying to tell myself that I shouldn’t want to be yours.”

“That so? How did that go for you?”

“Not so great since I keep thinking about being yours. But I don’t think that’s possible. I’m really sorry if I led you on . . . I’m sorry.”

Isa tried to get off the counter. To get away from him.

Why had she kissed him the other night?

Was he mad? Would he yell? Or would he go for the silent treatment? Perhaps he’d try to change her mind? Make her feel guilty?

Tell her how useless she was . . .

“No,” he said firmly.

Huh? What the heck?