
That’s all Isa had ever desired.

To be wanted. To have someone choose her.

You barely know him.

He’s demanding as heck. Bossy. Thinks he’s always right.

He was also sexy and protective and caring.

No. Nope. You are on the ‘why you shouldn’t belong to Remy’ train. And you are not getting off.

“I really, really want to get off.”

His eyes widened. “What?”

Her mouth opened. “What?”

“Did you just say you want to get off?”

“I most certainly did not!” Holy. Crap. Had she said that out loud? Why had she said that out loud? And out of context it was . . . it sounded . . .

Like she wanted to get off. Sexually.

“Yeah? Then what did you say, Princess?” He placed his hands on the counter on either side of her as he leaned into her.

“I said that I want to get a cough.”

“You want to get a cough?” he repeated.

Damn it. Why was he so freaking sexy? He had a short, well-trimmed dark beard. He was tanned from working outside, with lines around his eyes and along his forehead. But those lines only added to the character of his face.

Remy wasn’t classically handsome. Not like Loki was. But his looks were more the sort that grew on you as you discovered the man he was.

“Why would you want a cough?” he asked.

It was a good question. One she didn’t have an answer to.

He lightly pressed a finger under her chin, tilting her face back. “Rule number three is no lying. I don’t like lies. They’re like a pack of worms in your belly. Slithering and sliding around. Eating you from the inside out.”

“Well, that’s gross. Also, I don’t believe that worms come in packs or that they eat people. However, I don’t wish to test my belief by eating any.”

“Stop trying to distract me by being cute.”


“You think I’m cute?”

For some reason, he scowled. “Of course you’re fucking cute. You’re the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Now, tell me the truth.”

The fact that he spoke in a grumbly tone did nothing to detract from the sweetness of his words. She was basking in the glow and forgot to watch her words.

“I was saying that I wanted to get off the train.”

“What train?”

“Oh, um.” Her brain put on the brakes. “I don’t want to say.”