She couldn’t help it. He’d basically dared her. And Isabelle Ashley didn’t back down from a dare. She’d gotten into so much trouble as a kid, a lot of it due to dares.

Jump off the rock into the river, Isa. I dare you.

Run through the cemetery at midnight, Isa. I dare you.

Stick a snake in Teddy’s bed, Isa. I dare you.

Well, that last one she’d come up with herself. And it wasn’t a live snake. No way would she have subjected a poor snake to being in Teddy’s bed.

Still, he’d screamed like a little boy when he’d found it in his bed. She knew because she’d hid in his closet to watch.

Ahh. Good times.

So, there was no way she was backing down from this dare.

“Or else what? Whatcha gonna do if I do?” she asked sassily, crossing her arms over her chest.

The guy sure did like to overreact. Nothing bad had happened. And she’d only been trying to make him feel better for breaking the other plate.

Well, that had been her intention to begin with.

And then it had become more therapeutic. Throwing that plate had felt invigorating. As though she really was releasing some anger and tension.

She wanted to do it again.

There was just one problem in her way.

A big, hulking problem.

One who was staring sternly down at her. “Or I’m going to have to punish you.”

She waggled a finger at him. “That’s not very nice.”

“And that wasn’t no or your safeword.”

Well, heck.

Had an answer for everything, didn’t he?

“No one likes that guy,” she muttered.

“What guy?”

“The guy with all the answers.”

“You don’t want to be punished, baby? To be put over my knee and have your little bottom spanked? You don’t like the idea of that? Of being mine?”

Shit. How had she fallen down this rabbit hole?

This is what you get when you put your sassy britches on.

“I, well, I . . . um.”

Lie. Tell him you don’t want him. That he needs to leave.

Fuck it. She couldn’t.

She liked being around him. He made her feel safe and sexy.