As he crouched down next to her, he studied her for a long moment. She looked so young and carefree. So innocent and sweet. It seemed like such a shame to wake her up.

Just then, her eyes opened and she stared up at him. He waited for the smile. Her quiet greeting.

Instead, the cry of a banshee came out of her lips and her fist swung into his face, connecting with a crunch against his nose.

“Fuck!” he cried, falling back on his butt, his hand cradling his nose.

“Oh my God! Oh my God!” she yelled. “Remy, I’m so sorry! Oh, fuck. Oh, no. Is it bleeding? Is it broken? Remy, talk to me.”

“It’s fine.” It was throbbing like a motherfucker, but it wasn’t broken.

“I’ll get ice! Let me just get . . . oh man, the blanket is strangling me! Let me go!”


“Baby, calm down.”

“Urgh! How the heck did you manage to sneak up on me like that? I’m a light sleeper. No one ever sneaks up on me! I thought you were an intruder. It was all that talk about keys and locking up and me being precious. You shouldn’t have told me that!”

“So it’s my fault that you punched me in the nose?” he asked, feeling amused at her small tirade.

She looked delightfully rumpled. Her hair was wild and tangled. One cheek was red from where she’d been lying on it. And she was glaring at him with ire.

This Isa . . . she looked so different from the Isa he’d first met. The one she often showed the world. Put together. Perfect.

He wondered which one was real? Or if they both were.

There was nothing wrong with wanting to look pretty, dressing nicely, and putting on makeup.

He’d had too many years of dealing with selfish people. Who looked out for themselves and what they could get out of someone.

Who’d turn up their noses at him when they realized he had nothing. No home. No family. No material possessions other than his clothes and his truck.

Fuck them all.

Perhaps he’d been on his way to becoming bitter.

Until he’d come to Wishingbone for a job at Sanctuary Ranch. And met his sweet girl.

“Yes!” she replied.

“I apologize for making you punch me in the nose because I was so quiet that I didn’t wake you.”

“Thank you for your apology,” she replied primly.

He couldn’t help it. He wasn’t even sure the last time he’d done it. But he threw back his head and started laughing.

Part of him was aware of her staring at him in shock, but it still took him a long moment to get himself under control. He shook his head, his nose still throbbing. “Can’t remember the last time I laughed like that.”

“You should do it more often,” she told him before clearing her throat. “It was . . . you have a good laugh.”

“I haven’t had many reasons in my life to laugh,” he confessed.

Shit. What was he doing? He didn’t like to be vulnerable.

Showing weakness had never ended well for him.

But her entire body softened. “I’m sorry.”