“No. I’m going to stay out here all night.”

He hummed. “Gonna get cold.”

“I don’t mind the cold.”

“And really dark.”

“I have my flashlight.” She wasn’t silly.

“What are you going to do if you hear any scary noises?” he asked.

Probably cry.

But she knew better than to say that to him.

“Um, yell back!” she told him.

“And what about if your dad calls the police and they send out search parties?”

Now she was starting to feel bad.

“I don’t want to go back, Lachie. I want to live with you.”

“Yeah. I know. One day, we’ll live together, Tink.”

“Do you promise?” she asked in a small voice.

“I promise. It’s you and me against the world, Tinkerbelle.”

“Love you, Lachie.”

“Love you more.”


“Hey, Wildcard!”

Lachie turned to see Gilligan walking toward him, a huge smile on his face. He was Lachie’s best friend in their unit.

“Yo, Gilligan. What’s got you so excited?”

“We’re about to leave on a scouting mission. Finally, some fucking action.” Gilligan was full of energy. He hated sitting around like they’d been doing lately.

They were in the depths of the middle east. A peace treaty was being negotiated between two factions who had been at war for the last two years. Lachie’s unit was here to help keep the peace and watch for any uprisings.

So far, everything had been pretty smooth sailing.

Boring, as Gilligan would say.

“Uh, right. Shit. I was just going to message Tink.”

“You finally going to tell her that you have the hots for her? That you want to do the nasty mumbo-jumbo when you get home and spread her open?—”

Lachie smacked the back of his head. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Jokes, man. Jokes.”

“She’s my best friend, asshole.” She was also gorgeous, sweet, funny, and tough.