“Great for everyone except that Barry can’t see.”

“Right. Yeah. That’s kind of an issue. I need to chat with Loki about that.”

“Before Barry hurts himself or someone else,” he said firmly.

“You got it. So, did you want a shower before you leave?”

“Who said I’m leaving?”


What was happening right now?

Well, it was simple. There was a sexy man in her kitchen who thought her nipple was pretty and didn’t want anyone else to see it.

But him.

See, simple?

Only . . .

“You want to stay?”

“You haven’t got any food.”

Huh? Why was he talking about her food?

“I don’t?” She opened the fridge door. “Sure, I do. There’s pizza in here. Oh, are you hungry? I could heat it up. Least I could do considering the whole rescuing me thing. And, you know, nipple-gate.”


“Uh-huh. Nipple-gate. So, pizza?”

“Baby, I’m not eating that pizza and neither are you. It’s a science experiment now.”

“It is not!” she protested. Although when had she bought it? Hmm, perhaps if she couldn’t remember how old it was, it was too old to eat.

“Gonna go and get some food for breakfast,” he told her.


No, she couldn’t let him do that.

“I don’t need breakfast. I’m fine. In fact, I’m not even hungry. Big dinner last night.” She rubbed her empty tummy.

It’s okay, tummy. I’ll feed you cupcakes.

Wait. Shit.

“Crap! I don’t have any eggs! This is a total disaster!”

“You don’t have anything,” he pointed out.

“Yes, but other things don’t matter. I need eggs to make cupcakes. Shit! Loki was supposed to get them for me.” She chewed her lip. What was she going to do?

“Then I’ll shower, and we’ll go get breakfast and eggs.”

“I don’t have time! I have to bake two hundred cupcakes, package them up and get them to Kiesha by five.”