“Shh,” he murmured, running his hand up and down her back soothingly as he stepped into the house and shut the front door.

“I can’t believe you saw my nipple,” she muttered. “I’m not going to be able to recover from this. I think it’s best you just leave and let me die of embarrassment.”

“Nobody is dying,” he told her sharply. “Of embarrassment or anything else.”

He let her slide down his body and she sucked in a breath as she thought she felt something against her stomach.

Something hard and truly enormous. But then he was setting her aside.

Who could blame him?

Clearly, her nipples were the things of nightmares.

“What were you thinking running out of the house dressed like that?” he asked gruffly. “Anyone could have seen you!”

Her head dropped. He was right. She hadn’t been thinking. She’d been in ‘get garbage can to the curb’ mode.

“Sorry,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself. “I need to get dressed.”

She needed layers of clothing to make herself feel better. To give her some protection from feeling like complete and utter shit.

Turning, she’d nearly made it to the hallway when she heard him swearing.

“Isa, wait!”

She shook her head. She had to find something to wear. Right fucking now.

“Isabelle. Please.”


She ran to the window and peered out.

“What are you doing?” he asked, looking at her in confusion.

“I just wanted to see if pigs were flying.”


“Because you said please.”

Remy barely managed notto roll his eyes at her sass.

This was what he’d been expecting from her the other night.

What fucking right did he have to lecture her over what she wore to take out the fucking garbage?


He didn’t have a leg to stand on. He wanted to have that right. To tell her that he didn’t want anyone seeing what belonged to him.

But even that bordered on being a jerk. It wasn’t about him controlling her, though.

Nope. It was entirely about jealousy. Possession.

Okay. Wait. That didn’t sound any better. But the idea of some stranger seeing her in that sexy as fuck nightgown made his blood boil.

This was an odd experience for him. He’d taken his ex, Julie, to the BDSM club they’d belonged to a lot. And she’d worn a fuck load less clothing in front of people they’d known as well as strangers.