Oh shit. The car accident.

“Isa. Inside.” He was coming back toward her, his face a mask of anger and . . . possessiveness?

He liked to watch her. A lot. But strangely, it had never really creeped her out.

It had felt . . . protective.

She knew everyone thought she was nuts for thinking that way, but she couldn’t help what she felt.

But as he strode toward her, pulling his T-shirt off over his head, she wondered if she’d been wrong all this time.

Why was he stripping? What was happening right now?

Then he was in front of her, breathing heavily. And all those muscles were on display.


There was so much to look at. He was so muscular and wide. There was even a light smattering of hair on his broad chest.


And she wanted him wrapped around her. Dear Lord, he would squish her like a bug and here she was, practically panting at the idea.

What was wrong with her?

His head was turned away as he handed her the T-shirt. “Put this on.”


Oh my God. Did he not like her nightgown? Did he not like looking at her?

That’s when she glanced down again and saw it. How she’d missed it, she had no idea.

With a gasp, she turned away, tugging her nightgown back up over her nipple.

Her breasts had been a source of huge embarrassment for her when they’d first appeared. She’d been a bit of a late bloomer and then it was like she’d just grown them overnight almost. Her father had been horrified.

The girl he’d always tried to turn into a boy was definitely a girl.

Judy, her stepmother, had tried to take her bra shopping, but Isa hadn’t wanted any part of that. Just like she hadn’t wanted to deal with Judy when she’d started her period.

As always, Loki had been there. Buying her period products and reading the instructions to help her figure out what to do. Going to the lingerie shop and ignoring all the dirty looks from the people working there as he helped her find what she needed.

Still . . . as much as he’d tried to tell her that everything she was going through was normal, she’d felt ashamed.

She couldn’t be what her dad wanted.

Her body wasn’t right . . . it was gross.

She was gross.


“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean . . . I didn’t mean to disgust you.” She attempted to take off toward the house.

But Remy wrapped an arm around her waist, drawing her back against him. The feel of his body made her want to instinctively melt into him. To feel him surround her and tuck her into him.

Keeping her safe.