Once was enough.

Morethan enough.

Damn, she’d had a good night’s sleep, though. Generally, she slept pretty lightly. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept a whole night through.

Maybe this was what going to the gym got you . . . a full night’s sleep.

Still not worth it. Nothing was worth the grunting and sweating and pain. And that was just getting into gym gear.

Sitting, she rubbed at her sore chest, then peered down the front of her nightgown. Was that bruising on her chest? That definitely wasn’t from the gym.

A noise coming from a distance caught her attention. She gasped and grabbed her phone to check the date.

Garbage day.


She jumped out of bed, ignoring the pain in her muscles, and rushed out her bedroom door and through the living room, flying over the body lying on the floor.

She’d worry about that later when she got the garbage to the curb. There was no way she was missing garbage day. If she did, Loki would have to haul it to the dump. And he hated doing that.

Racing out the door, she ignored the yell from behind her as she flew over the gravel toward the garbage bin at the side of the garage.

Okay, more like she winced and gasped her way across. Grabbing the bin, she started hauling it to the curb.

“Stop!” Suddenly, someone was there, standing next to her. Taking the garbage from her.

“Hey! My garbage!” She glared up at the person who, in turn, scowled down at her.


Suddenly it clicked that it was Remy standing there.

Remy had been the blob on the living room floor.

Because he’d helped her last night, then insisted on staying the night.

But what right did Remy have to be angry at her? She was just trying to take the garbage to the curb.

“Get inside. Right now.”

“The garbage,” she said.

“I’ll take it out. No one is to see you. Inside. Now.”

Sheesh. Talk about bossy. He turned away, pulling the garbage behind him. His shoulders were tight.

Why was he so grumpy?

Then she glanced down at her chest which was still aching. Actually, her whole body hurt.

Car headlights.



Remy coming to her rescue.