Sure, he could do that.

But he wasn’t going to.

“It was in one of those books she likes to read. The heroine had to sit on her Daddy’s cock and stay nice and still while he was working. It wasn’t punishment for her. But I’m sure I could continue to torture her a bit.”

Isa groaned. “I can’t believe I thought you were going to save me.”

He grew serious. “I will always save you, Tink. I will always be there for you. No matter what. But you need to keep yourself safe too.”

Oh fuckballs.

Now she felt really bad. It was hard to act like you were hard done by when you felt so guilty.

“I will. I won’t do this again.”

“Good girl.” Loki smiled at her before kissing her again.

God, she was so happy he was home. She’d missed him so much. Things had been hard since the encounter with Shawn’s wife, who was currently being held in a psychiatric hospital until her trial.

Shawn had been fired, and the company had practically begged her to come back. But Isa couldn’t imagine going back there without feeling panicky and ill.

So with the support of Loki and Remy, she’d decided to take a break from work for a while. They’d all needed this time to work through their fears and emotions.

“Come here, Tink.” Loki lifted her up carefully as the vibrator slid from her pussy. She let out a gasp of surprise. Isa glanced back at Remy. He’d been so strong for the two of them. But she knew he’d had his own nightmares as he’d remembered that night.

Gary had lived.


Joking. Sort of.

On the plus side, he’d given up his vendetta against Loki and actually decided to move away. Remy might have had a hand in that. He’d paid Gary a visit in the hospital and as soon as he was discharged, Gary moved across the country.

That was the one good thing to come out of that night.

Oh, and for anyone who was worried, Jennifer and the she-demons were all fine.

Remy turned her toward him and stood up to kiss her. The knot in her stomach released.

“I love you, baby girl,” Remy told her. “I always will. But you won’t do that to me again. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy. I understand. I love you too.”

“Good girl. Now, you’re going to sit on my cock while Loki has some fun torturing you.”

Oh hell.

That didn’t sound like fun.

* * *

Ten minutes later,she thought she was dying. She was back in the same position as before, but instead of having her rainbowrator pushed deep inside her, it was Remy’s dick. And Loki’s tongue had replaced the vibrator.

It was nearly impossible for her to stop herself from coming. Especially as Remy kept reaching around to touch her breasts, to play with her nipples.

A whimper escaped her. “Please, let me come. Please!”

She had to move. Holding still was nearly impossible. She was mindless with pleasure, unable to do much more than breathe and feel.