She waited for his argument. His annoyance. But he simply nodded. “All right.”

Drat. Who could she call? Cleo had work tomorrow. Kiesha and Juliet didn’t drive. That left her with Georgie. But then Ed would get upset over her not reporting this.

“I guess I’ll call Georgie.”

“Ed won’t be happy.”

Wow. Maybe he really was a mind-reader.

“Shit. I just remembered that a couple of her brothers are staying with them this weekend.” Isa rubbed her head again, trying to think.

A warm, solid finger pressed under her chin and her head was tilted back. “Strip off, get in the shower, and get to bed. I’m staying.”

After lifting her down, he turned and left the room. But the door was left open a crack.

Was she seriously going to get naked with a stranger on the other side of an open door?

There was no way.

But he wasn’t a complete stranger, right? If she was worried about him hurting her, then she should call someone.

And she shouldn’t feel safe in his arms.

Too tired to figure out if she did care if he saw her naked, she stripped off and climbed into the shower. The hot water did wonders for her aches and pains. She didn’t bother to try and wash her hair, that would’ve been too much effort. After finishing up, she dried off and realized she didn’t have anything to get changed into.

“I’m coming out in a towel. Don’t look,” she said, rolling her eyes at herself.

Jeez, she was an idiot. Like he’d actually want to look.

“Gonna go check the safety light,” was all he replied before she heard the front door open and close.

She darted out.

All right . . . she moved about as swiftly as a ninety-year-old with back issues, but it was as fast as she was capable of moving.

She slipped into her room.

As usual, it was in a bit of a state. She wasn’t a big fan of putting things away. But she could find everything.


Isa grabbed her favorite nightie. She liked soft, silky things. This one was pale pink with a lace insert just below her breasts, then more lace along the hem.

She pulled her dressing gown on overtop. She’d bought herself and Loki matching dressing gowns for Christmas last year. They were white with red candy canes all over them. Warm and fluffy, they were perfect for the cool nights in Montana.

She loved to buy them matching things, and luckily, Loki liked to indulge her.

Finally, she slid her feet into her rainbow-colored fluffy slippers, sighing in relief.

There was nothing like the comfort of a warm robe and fluffy slippers to make you feel better. Hugging Razzie would make her feel even better, but she’d have to wait until she knew Remy wasn’t going to walk in on her.

She shuffled into the living room, yawning as Remy walked back into the house. God, she was exhausted. She must have worked sixty hours this week. Overtime that she would never get paid for, covering for Shawn’s lazy ass.

But it wasn’t like she could tell him no. Right?

“Everything okay?” she asked.

He grunted. “Got a spare pillow?”