
“Apparently, she’s the wife of Isa’s boss,” Steven said.

Not Isa. Not Remy.

Thank fuck.

“Where are they?” he demanded as the ambulance officer closed the doors on Gary.

“Come with me.”

* * *

Isa was shakinglike a leaf and she had to keep pausing to bury her face in Remy’s chest as she recounted everything that happened.

Luckily, Ed was a patient guy and didn’t try to rush her.

She was sitting on Remy’s lap in the living room of their house. His arms were tight around her and she didn’t think he would let her go anytime soon.

“Am I . . . am I in trouble, Ed?” she asked.

“Like fuck you are,” Remy said.

“I sh-shot her, though. What if she dies?” She was going to vomit.

“Hey, look at me,” Ed said.

She raised her gaze to his.

“That’s not going to happen. You shot her in self-defense. She shot Gary. And she was shooting at Remy and you. No one will see that as anything other than what it is. Understand?”


“Now, I need to go get some updates. We’ll wrap this all up. Maybe you want to go stay somewhere else for a few days?” Ed stood.

She understood why he suggested that. But she also didn’t want anyone chasing her out of her home.

The front door slammed open and she screamed in fear, hiding her face.

“Fuck! Sorry, Tink, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

She turned her head, then flung herself at Loki, who approached them. He picked her up, holding her against his chest. Neither man scolded her for her actions. Instead, Remy stood and sandwiched her between them.

“I’ll leave you now. We need to start looking into this woman.” Ed moved toward the door, shutting it behind him.

And leaving them alone.

“Tink,” Loki said. “Fuck. Fuck! I should never have left you alone. This is on me.”

“No, no,” she said firmly. “You are not taking this on. She was a fucking psychopath, and she would have found another way to get to me. Do not blame yourself. Please . . . I couldn’t bear if you blamed yourself.”

She started to sob and they both started talking to her quietly. Giving her words of praise and love.

“I love you both so much,” she finally said. “I just want all this to be over. And for us to live without fear or drama or crazy women shooting at us. So please . . . can nobody blame themselves for this and instead, can the two of you just promise to never let me go.”

“I won’t,” Remy told her. “I’ll never let you go. You’re mine.”

“Forever,” Loki added. “My girl. Our life.”