“Daddy! We’re not even going that far.”

“It doesn’t matter how far it is. It’s cold outside, and you’ve been feeling the cold lately.”

He shot her a stern look.

Oh, right. Yeah. She hadn’t told them how cold her feet and hands had been getting. So she was quiet as he got her dressed.

“Good girl.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Right, let’s go, Little Isa-Bee.”

She grinned up at him and took the hand he offered. She tugged at his hand, trying to get him to go faster, but he walked at a normal pace toward the treehouse.

“Daddy! I want to run.”

“No running. You need rest.”

She sighed. “I’m never going to be able to run again, am I?”

“Of course you will. Just not when you’re not feeling well, have just fainted, inside the house, going up stairs, or when you’re tired.”


They finally reached the treehouse. Loki peered down at them with a grin. “Took you two long enough.”

“Daddy is soooo slow,” she told him. “He’s getting old, though, so we shouldn’t give him too much grief.”


She squealed as Remy landed a smack on her ass.

“Daddy! Not nice!” she scolded.

He raised his eyebrows. “And calling me old is nice?”

“It’s just the truth.”

Slap! Slap!

“Hey! I think you’re enjoying that!” she said suspiciously as she glared up at him.

“Hmm, you know. I think I am.”

Huffing out a breath, she reached for the ladder and started to climb up. She was aware of Remy hovering behind her. As though he thought she might fall.

Silly Daddy.

She’d been climbing into treehouses for nearly thirty years now. When she got to the top, Loki held out his hand to her and helped her up.

Gasping, she took in everything as Remy climbed into the treehouse. Both men had to crouch down slightly, but she had plenty of room.

“Ki-Ki! You put a play kitchen up here!”

“Yep.” He smiled. “And I got you some food for it.” She moved over to the kitchen, opening it to find pots and pans and wooden food and plates.

“It’s perfect!”

A large rug sat on the floor and there were some outdoor beanbag chairs for them to sit on.

There was also a doll’s crib and highchair. In the crib, a doll was already sleeping.