“It’s a count of fifteen each,” Remy said firmly. “Loki first. Then me. And you’ll also write fifty lines. Each line will say: I will tell my Daddies if I feel unsafe or ill. Understand?”

“Yes, Daddy,” she said, sounding relieved.

Remy nodded to Loki. He knew why the other man was directing him to go first. Because he didn’t like to make her cry. But in this instance, he thought he could handle it.

Because she’d kept important things from him.

He laid her over his lap and opened the back-flap of her onesie.

“Helpful,” he muttered.

“I thought so,” Remy said as he moved over to the armchair.

So he had a better view?

Loki lowered her panties, baring her butt. It was a gorgeous ass. Rounded, plump, cute.

And his to punish.

“You understand why you’re being punished, Tink?” he asked.

“Because I kept things from you both. Important things.”

“And are you going to do that again?”

“No, Ki-Ki,” she cried.

“Good girl. Your safeword?”


He started to spank her without warning. He kept his movements firm and hard. A steady tempo of slaps to her butt that soon had it turning pink. She kicked the sofa, crying out. But she never said her safeword.

By the time he finished, she was breathing heavily and her ass was nearly red. He rubbed her bottom for a moment. “Feel better, Tink?”

“Yes, thank you for punishing me, Ki-Ki.”

Okay, he hadn’t expected her to thank him. But he lifted her up and kissed her lightly before standing with her in his arms so that Remy could take his place.

“Love you, Isabelle,” he told her.

“Love you too, Lachie.”

He closed his eyes for a moment at the sound of his name on her lips. Maybe . . . maybe he could start being Lachie more often.

After kissing her again, he handed her over to Remy with a nod.

Remy arrangedher on his lap, taking in Loki’s handiwork. He did a good job. But Remy intended to send her over the edge. So she’d know that she’d been punished.

And that everything was forgiven.

Isa wasn’t used to being spanked and she didn’t have a high pain tolerance. So he knew this would be hard for her.

But she needed it. And so did he.

Remy spanked her ass several times before moving lower to the tops of her thighs. It didn’t take much until she was sobbing. Until he knew she was crying. But he kept going until he’d laid the last spank on her ass.

Quickly, he drew up her panties and did up her onesie. Then he had her on his lap, against his chest, holding her tight as she cried quietly.