“You’re anemic. Anemia can cause symptoms like yours. Dizziness, racing heart, fatigue, shortness of breath. Even brain fog.”

“Anemic,” she repeated. “What do I need to do?”

“We need to get you on some iron tablets as soon as possible. I don’t want to do a blood transfusion just yet but I haven’t ruled it out. Also, I want you to start having B12 injections. I’m going to send a prescription through to the pharmacy here. Can someone pick it up today?”

“Yep,” Remy said.

“Good. You can go to the medical center for the injections or come to me.”

“You,” she said. She didn’t trust anyone but Xavier.

“No problem, sweetheart. Now, I am slightly concerned about why you’re anemic. Do you have heavy periods?”

She blushed and glanced up at Loki, then over to Remy.

“Yeah, they’re really heavy.”

“Okay, that could explain it. I’d like to do an ultrasound and a colonoscopy to be sure nothing else is going on. All right?”

“I don’t know . . .”

Both men growled at her

“Oh, okay. Sounds like fun!”

Xavier let out a chuckle. “Not sure about that. But I want to do it to be sure we know what’s going on. Now, keep resting. Eat lots of iron-rich foods. And don’t stress. Okay? Call me if you need me.”

They said goodbye and she sat there, stunned.

“Baby?” Remy sat next to Loki and pulled her feet onto his lap. She was still in the onesie he’d put on her to nap and her feet were fully encased. He massaged them lightly. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but knowing what’s wrong is a good thing.”

“It means we can take care of you properly,” Loki added.

She let out a deep breath. They were right. Knowing what was wrong and having a plan of action was definitely better.

“How about we get you dressed?” Remy said. “And then we can sit and watch a movie or something, yeah? One of us can go get your prescription.”

Yeah . . . or . . .

“Or you could punish me.”


Loki wasn’t sure he’d heard her right.

“What did you say?”

Isa stared down at her lap, where she was wringing her hands together. Remy placed his hand over hers. “We don’t need to do this, baby. If you’re not feeling up to it . . .”

“But I am!” she protested. “I mean, I want to do this. I want the guilt to disappear. Please?”

Both of them shared a look.

“If you’re sure,” Loki said, cupping her face and tilting it back.

“I’m sure.”

Loki stared down into her eyes. Yeah, he thought she was. He glanced at Remy, content to let him lead.