But it was rude of him to point that out.

“Remember who is in charge, baby girl,” Remy warned. “I’ve also got some diapers. I might decide to put them on for your nap.”

Okay . . . wow.

“Isa-Bee is a good girl!”

Remy leaned forward to kiss her. “Of course she is. And she’s our girl. Doesn’t mean that sometimes she doesn’t need some discipline. Or for Daddy and Ki-Ki to take charge.”

Well, hell.

She took another few bites of omelet, but she couldn’t take it anymore.

She shook her head when Remy tried to feed her more. “Want off! Playroom!”

“No, you’re going to sit still and eat more,” Loki countered.

Darn it. They were so bossy!


Remy eyed her for a moment. She tried to jump off Loki’s lap, but he caught her and suddenly she was turning through the air and on his lap.

“Ki-Ki, no!” she cried.

“Oh, I’m afraid it’s a yes.” He drew her training pants down and rubbed her ass.


“Actually, she probably shouldn’t lie with her head down.” Remy shifted so he sat closer to Loki, then drew her body onto his lap. “Better, baby?”


“No?” Loki said, sounding alarmed. “Are you feeling dizzy? Ill?”

Shoot. She wasn’t going to lie.

Never again.

“I don’t wants a spanking!”

“Who is in charge?” Remy asked.

She sighed. “You and Ki-Ki.”

“Right. So if you earn a spanking, you’re getting one. And you were told to sit still to eat more.”

Before she could answer, Loki started spanking her. Sure, it wasn’t hard or long. But it still made an impression. By the time he finished, her ass was warm and she was kicking her feet in protest.

After fixing her pants, Loki drew her up onto his lap, her legs straddling his as he rubbed her back.

“Good girl,” he whispered. “Such a brave, beautiful girl.”

She pressed her face against his chest and slid her thumb into her mouth, just soaking in the feeling of being safe.

Of being his.

He kissed the top of her head and held her tight as Remy cleaned up their breakfast.