“Like it, Tink?” Loki asked quietly as her eyes tried to take it all in. The walls were painted white except for one corner where a huge rainbow ran from one wall to the other.

And the ceiling was filled with glow-in-the-dark stars.

In one corner was a crib and changing table along with a rocking chair. Over the other side of the room was a play kitchen along with a small table and chairs and a huge fluffy beanbag chair.

The floor had a white fluffy rug that matched the beanbag.

In the middle of the crib sat Olly.

Of course her men had bought the stuffed toy for her. Was there ever any doubt?

“Ki-Ki! It’s amazing!” She threw herself at him and he caught her with a laugh, spinning her around.

Then he put her down, looking horrified. “Shit. Did that make you dizzy?”

“In the best possible way!” She clapped her hands as she rushed around, looking at everything. There were storage baskets filled with toys. Soft toys. Dolls. Dress-ups.

She loved it all!

“This is so amazing.” She started to sniffle. “But I don’t deserve it.”

To her shock, Loki frowned down at her. Then he swatted her ass twice. Sure, she didn’t feel it. But sometimes it wasn’t always about pain. Sometimes, it was the gesture and the meaning behind it.

A few pops to the butt could be just as meaningful or more so than thirty.


“Do not speak like that,” he said sternly. “Understand me? Or you’ll be going into timeout.” He pointed over at where he’d placed a hard-back chair facing the corner. On the back the word ‘timeout’ was painted.


“You deserve the fucking world,” Loki told her. “And we’re going to give it to you.”

“Indeed,” Remy said. “But first, let’s get our girl dressed and fed.”


Thirty minutes later, she was sitting on Loki’s lap while Remy fed her breakfast.

The omelet was yummy, but she didn’t feel like eating. She wanted to get back to her playroom.

Remy had seemed to take great delight in dressing her this morning. She was wearing a long-sleeved white shirt with a new pale yellow pinafore dress over it. There were daisies stitched into the hem of the dress. It was super cute and something they’d bought for her at Aunt Marie’s.

He’d also put on a pair of knee-high white socks with frills around the top of them. But it was the underwear choice that had surprised her.

He’d put her in a pair of thick training panties.

“Stop wriggling around, Tink,” Loki warned, grabbing her hips.

“These panties feel weird. I’m too old for them.”

“No, you aren’t,” Remy replied, feeding her another bite. “And if you’re going to move around like this while eating, I think we need to look into a highchair. With a harness.”

Whoa. Okay.

She stilled as Loki let out a quiet laugh. “Trying to decide if you like that idea or not, Tink?”
