“Time with Isa-Bee. Do you think that’s possible?”

“The playroom is ready,” Loki said.

“What do you say?” Remy asked.

“I want that.” She nodded, her head throbbing slightly.

“Before you agree, I want complete control.” Remy frowned slightly as if he didn’t like admitting that.

Complete control?

She understood why he needed it. Both of them. Loki was nodding.

“I can do that. And will you . . . will you guys punish me?”

Remy’s eyebrows rose. “You need that, don’t you?”

“Yes.” So much.

“It won’t be like your other punishments,” Remy warned. “It will be far harsher.”

“I can take it.”

“Shouldn’t we wait for the results of the tests?” Loki asked. “Xavier was going to push them through.”

“It’s Saturday, though,” she said. “Won’t they take until Monday?”

“The lab at the hospital works through the weekend,” Loki told her.

“All right. We’ll wait. You think you can do that, baby girl?”

She got the feeling if she was in Little headspace, it might be easier.

“I’ll try, Daddy.”

“Good girl. You tell me if the glitter guilt gets too much and Daddy and Ki-Ki will take care of you.”

“Okay, Daddy.”

“How about we show her the playroom before breakfast?” Loki suggested.

Remy nodded and picked her up, putting her on his hip. Which wasn’t that easy considering that she was wearing an oversized, fluffy dressing gown.

But he managed it.

And then he carried her to the closed door of the bedroom that Loki had been working on all week. She was so excited. Remy put her down and placed his hands over her eyes.

“Ready, baby?” he asked.

“I’m ready! I’m ready!” she cried.

He helped her move forward. Even though she trusted him to make sure she didn’t bump into anything, she still put her hands out in front of her.

“I can’t see anything! My room is invisible!” she said. Yeah, she was being silly. But . . . it was fun! And she needed a bit of silly right now.

Then his hands disappeared and she gasped in shock.

It. Was. Magical.