Fuck. It felt so good. Even as Remy drew him back against him. He wasn’t sure about leaning against another man. But Isa was here. She was keeping him on the edge of that pleasure.

“I want you to go back to that day. Tell me what happened.”

Loki closed his eyes. Yells. Screams. Death.


His thigh stung, bringing him out of there.

Pleasure flooded him as Isa moved her hand up and down his cock.

“Stop, Isa.”

She froze at Remy’s words. Loki let out a grunt of displeasure.

“Tell. Me. Tell me and she starts again.”

Fine, fucker.

He went through that entire day, in detail.

By the time he was finished, Isa was staring at him with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Fuck. He hated seeing her cry. He tugged at his restraints.

“Let me go.”

“Not yet.”

This. Asshole.

“You’re not in charge, remember? Just like you weren’t in charge that day.”

What was this guy? An amateur psychiatrist?

“Did you give the commands? Answer. Me.”


Fuck. He hit his thigh again.


“No,” Loki gritted out.

“Isa,” Remy prompted.

She started pumping his dick again. Loki wasn’t sure he wanted her here.

“She needs to go to bed,” Loki said.

“I won’t rest knowing you’re out here hurting,” she said. “Please don’t make me go.”

“I’m watching her,” Remy said. “She’ll be back in bed soon. With both of us.”

Loki sucked in a breath, groaning as she squeezed the base of his shaft.

“Did you know that there would be an attack that day?” Remy asked. “Were you aware they were going to die?”