“Fuck. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry, why?” she asked.

“Because I’m such a fucking fuck-up. You’re supposed to be resting and I woke you up with my issues.”

He couldn’t stand it! Getting to his feet, Loki stormed out of the bedroom into the living room. He walked straight to the kitchen island, grabbing the counter before he let out a roar of anger. Then he slapped his hands down on it.

He had to get rid of these feelings boiling inside him. To let them out.

He’d failed them.

He’d failed her.

Fuck! He tugged at his hair.


The voice was firm. Commanding. A hand landed on his back and he turned, ready for a fight.

But then he saw her face. Worried. Pale. Someone had turned a light on and he hadn’t even noticed. And now he could see her properly.

“I need to leave,” he said.

“You’re going to stay,” Remy said firmly.

“Can’t.” He moved his gaze away from her. He couldn’t look at her.

“Why not? Why can’t you stay? Isa needs you. We need you.”

They couldn’t need him. He was going to disappoint them.

“I don’t . . . I don’t . . . I can’t . . .”

“You can’t what?” Remy asked.

“Let me go!” He tried to get past Remy, but the other man got in his way.

He reached up to shove him, but her gasp of shock and pain made him stop.

This wasn’t right.

He couldn’t hurt Remy.

“Neither of us want you to go anywhere,” Remy told him in that same low, calm voice. “We want you to stay.”

Loki shook his head. “No.”

“Please,” she said.

“You shouldn’t want me! Neither of you.” He tugged at his hair again.

This time, Remy stopped him, grabbing his hand and pulling it away. “Stop hurting yourself.”


“Yes,” Remy countered. “You’re going to stop hurting yourself because you are not to blame for anything. None of this is on you.”

“I failed!”