God, she’d rather take a spanking right now than feel this way.

“Good girl. Now, I have a problem. I can’t seem to remember how to work this hickory-doo-dah?” Xavier scratched his head as he held out the stethoscope.

“Like this.” She grabbed it and put it over her ears and held the piece on her chest.

“Oh, thank you. You’re clever. Do you have a doctor’s certificate too?”

“Uh-huh,” she said as Loki undid some buttons on her shirt so Xavier could listen to her chest and back.

She’d taken off her jacket earlier.

“Did you get yours online as well?” Xavier asked. “Ten bucks and all I had to do was print it off. Good, huh?”

She couldn’t help but giggle.

“Right, I just need you to take some deep breaths. Maybe one of your Daddies could help?”

Loki nodded and did the breathing with her, holding her gaze intently.

“You’re doing so well, sweetheart. I bet your Daddies are very proud of you.”

“We are,” Remy said.

He continued to take her temperature and look in her throat and ears.

“Okay, sweetheart. I’m going to need to take some blood. I can get someone?—”

“No, you!”

“I thought you’d say that. Would you like to sit on one of your Daddies’ laps while I take it?”

She nodded.

“I bet that your Daddies are going to buy you a special present for being so good,” he said as he set things up.

Remy sat up on her other side and drew her onto his lap.

“Really?” she asked.

Loki nodded. “Absolutely.”

She didn’t want to watch the needle go in, so she put her thumb in her mouth and turned her head, burying her face in Loki’s bicep.

“That’s it, baby girl,” Remy told her. “You’re doing so well. Such a good girl.”

“There we are. All done. Loki, can you put pressure here?” Xavier asked.

She felt Loki press on her inner arm.

“Now, I’ve got a really important question for you, Isa,” Xavier said. “And you’re going to have to think long and hard about this.”

She turned to look at Xavier as he held something out.

“Rainbows or unicorn Band-Aid?” Xavier showed her the Band-Aids in his hand.

Pfft. That wasn’t hard.
