Why did her voice sound so faint? Why did she feel so weird? Kind of like she was floating away . . .

“Baby, thank fuck.” Remy’s face appeared. He looked so pale and worried. She wanted to tell him it was all right, but it seemed like so much energy. “You fainted. We’re taking you to the hospital.”


Nope. Not happening.

“No!” she cried out, using the last of her energy to try and wriggle out of Loki’s arms.

But she should have known he’d have a tight hold on her.

“Tink, calm down.”


“Isabelle,” Loki growled. “Calm. Down.”

She froze at the sound of his dark, commanding tone.

“I know you’re scared of going to the hospital, but you have to,” Loki told her. His voice was kind but firm.

But her feelings weren’t rational. She knew she was being silly, but she couldn’t stop.

“Why is she so scared?” Remy asked as he opened the back door of his truck. He took hold of her as Loki climbed in, then handed her to the other man. Loki got a seatbelt around her, then drew her against him.

She shivered. Why was she so cold?

“Because of her mom,” Loki replied. “Have you got a blanket or jacket?”

“Yeah.” Remy shut the door and climbed into the driver’s seat. He passed Loki the same blanket she’d used the other day.

Loki wrapped it around her.

“I d-don’t want to go.”

“I know, Tink. But nothing is going to happen to you. We won’t let it. I know what happened to your mom was scary, but this isn’t the same.” Loki looked up at Remy who was driving. They seemed to be moving quicker than they should be. “When Tink was four, her mom went to the hospital and never came home.”

“She . . . she had a heart attack and died. I know I’m not being rational, but I just . . . I can’t stand hospitals. I can barely manage going to the doctor.”

“Baby girl,” Remy said with a mix of affection and worry. “I get it. I do. But you cannot neglect your health.”

“You ate lunch, right?” Loki said, taking hold of her wrist and putting two fingers on her pulse.


“Promise?” he pressed.

“I did,” she replied. “Really.”

“She hasn’t had dinner, though,” Remy said. “And it’s late.”

“I don’t know what happened,” she said. “Maybe I’m just tired . . . I started to feel dizzy. I, um . . . you know how I said I had something to tell you?”

Something she’d been putting off because she knew that they’d both insist on her going to the doctor.

Well, she guessed she was going now.

“Yes?” Loki said, his gaze narrowing. “Is it to do with your boss?”