He snorted, stepping into her office. “Um, no. I’m a gentleman.”

“Well, when I see the sexiest girl in the world, I’ll send her your way.”

Loki raised his eyebrows. “You will? Good.”

“Hey!” she protested as he grinned.

“Come here, Tink.” He held out his arms and she rushed into them. He hugged her tight. “Remy’s running late, so we’re just going to meet him at the restaurant.”

The three of them were going out to dinner at the same steakhouse that Remy had taken her to. Loki usually liked to eat in Wishingbone and support local business. But he’d relented when he’d heard how good the steak was.

And it was semi-local.

“I could have met you both there,” she said. “You didn’t have to come and get me. It’s only a few blocks away.”

“That wasn’t going to happen. Plus, I wanted to make sure you could leave work without being detained by your asshole boss.”

“Shh,” she hushed. “But, actually, we should go now.” Before he found her.

They were walking down the hallway, her hand in Loki’s, when Shawn appeared.

“Isabelle? You’re leaving?”

“She is,” Loki said firmly. “It’s after five-thirty and she’s meant to finish at five. Also, she’s been working late almost every night recently.”

Okay. While she loved him sticking up for her, she also knew this was going to be an issue come Monday. Especially with the way that Shawn’s face was growing red.

“That’s fine. I was just heading out myself. Have a nice weekend.” He stomped off.

“Loki, I wish you hadn’t done that.”

“And I wish you’d quit this job.”

“And do what? Work for you?” she asked as they reached the elevator and stepped in.

“Hmm. There’s this opening. It’s for my personal sex bunny.” He grabbed her hips, drawing her close as he kissed the hell out of her. “Oh yeah, you’ll do.”

“You’re terrible,” she told him. But she was grinning as they stepped out of the elevator. They headed out into the cold, his arm over her shoulders.

He stilled as he grew closer to his truck. There was something strange . . .

“Oh my God! Your tires! How did they all go flat at the same time?” she asked.

He strode over and crouched down next to one, fingering a torn part of the rubber. “Because someone fucking slashed them.”

Isa stared down at them in horror. “But who would do that?”

Loki gave her a grim look. “I don’t know. Is there a camera around here?”

“Most likely. After the merger they put them in the building. I could go in and check with security. It was probably some random asshole or something.”

“Probably. I’ll need to call for a tow. And tell Remy to come get us.” He’d driven her here this morning so she didn’t have her car.

“Wait in the foyer, Tink,” he ordered. “It’s warmer in there.”

Oh shoot. She’d forgotten her jacket. Remy wouldn’t be happy if she didn’t have it. Thankfully, she’d remembered to bring it. But she’d hung it up in the staffroom.

“Okay!” She rushed off into the building. She briefly stopped by the security office. She quickly explained the situation and Fred, the guard on duty, said he’d look at the feed. Although she guessed it would be tomorrow. Fred didn’t work quickly and he always closed up and left the building by seven-thirty.