“Blasé about you carrying my child?” Doc growled. “I don’t think so.”

“It could be Archer’s,” Caley pointed out.

Doc scowled. “This baby is both of ours. No matter who the biological father is.”

Caley sniffled. “Damn pregnancy hormones.”

Doc softened, drawing Caley closer.

“Actually, before you go. Isa is a big fan of yours, Caley.”

Caley gave her a wide smile. “Really? How cool!”

“I am! And I don’t have any books for you to sign. I mean, if you’d want to sign them . . . if that would be okay . . . um, I don’t know if you want that.”

“Shh, baby,” Remy said to her.

“That’s okay,” Caley said. “Why don’t you bring some with you next time you visit? Come see me and I’ll sign them. Apparently, I’m going to be locked in the house for the rest of my days, anyway.”

“Thank you!” she called out as they turned and walked off.

Spinning to face Remy, she jumped into his arms. “I can’t believe that just happened. Best. Day. Ever!”

He placed an arm under her bottom, holding her against him. “I’m pleased, baby.”

She tugged his head down so she could kiss him. “Daddy?”

“Yes, baby girl?”

“Will you show me where you’re staying?”

Drawing back, he raised an eyebrow. “And why would you want to see where I’m sleeping?”

“I want to check whether you leave your dirty washing on the floor, of course,” she replied with a grin. “I’m afraid I can’t be with a man who leaves his boxers on the floor for me to stand on in the middle of the night.”

“Excuse me, brat! I’m not the messy one. I’m starting to think that one of your rules needs to be to pick up after yourself.”

She gasped. “That’s so mean.”

“But true.”

“First, he makes me go to bed so early that babies are still awake and now he wants to give me chores,” she cried, looking up at the sky.

“Who are you talking to, baby girl?”

“God, the universe, basically anyone who will listen.”

He snorted. “Come on. I’ll show you where I’m staying.”

* * *

They drove to his cabin.

She’d never been here, but the entire ranch was gorgeous.

His cabin had a small porch out the front and was set back among the trees.

“It’s so private,” she said as he opened her door and unbuckled her belt.