Cleo and Juliet nodded. But Georgie looked confused.

“Well, I didn’t,” Georgie said.

“That’s because you haven’t seen her bedroom,” Kiesha said.

“If it’s soft, fluffy, cute, or pink, Isa has it,” Cleo added.

“That doesn’t mean I’m a Little.”

“Nope, but your pacifier was a big clue,” Cleo told her.

“You guys found that?”

“Yeah, it’s easy to find stuff when you’re snooping,” Kiesha told her with a grin.

Isa groaned. They really were the worst.

And the best friends she could ever wish for.

* * *

“Lost again, did you?”the slurred voice interrupted the conversation he was having with Mikey.

Sighing, he turned to look at Gary.

“I thought this asshole got kicked out,” Mikey said.

“Yep, he was banned for a month, but he keeps coming back like a nasty smell.”

“You’re a fucking loser. O’Ryan can’t keep me out of here. I own this fucking town! My grandfather founded it. And your grandfather fucked him over. You fucking owe me!”

Everyone around them stepped farther back while his friends moved in to have his back. They were all waiting for him to lash out. For a fight.

Not this time.

Loki clenched his jaw.

“I’m going to take what you owe me and then I’ll have the land, the house, and the money to flash around, and the girl!” Gary cried.

“What the fuck are you talking about?” Mikey asked. “He doesn’t flash his money around. And that land was never yours.”

“It was my granddad’s. It should be mine! I’ve a right to it. Mine to live on. Mine to hunt on. Mine!”

Hunt on?

“Was it you?” Loki snarled. “Were you the one hunting on my land?”

Gary swayed. Fuck, he was drunk. “What happened? Did you crap yourself over a gunshot?”

It was him!

This fucker!

You cannot attack him. Do not throw the first punch.

“Gary! Get the fuck out of here! That’s it, you’re banned for life.”

Noah was making his way to them, but he might not make it in time.