
“We need to get up and get you fed,” he said.

“Noo,” she grumbled. “Wanna stay here.”

“Your stomach says otherwise.”

“Don’t listen to it.” She opened her eyes. “Not moving. Unless you feel like showing me the playroom.”

“Nice try. You’re not seeing it until Saturday morning when it’s all finished. And don’t even try to sneak a peek.”

She pouted. She’d already tried that but he kept the door locked.

Loki rolled to his side and ran his fingers through her hair, then used it to tug her head back. “Did you eat lunch today?”

Hmm. Good question. She thought she might have worked through it.

“New rule,” he said in a low voice. “From now on, you text when you’re eating lunch.”

“What? I can’t do that.”

“Sure, you can. It’s simple. You’re owed a lunch break. When you sit down to eat the lunch I’m gonna start packing for you, then you text the family chat.”

Warmth filled her, wiping away her dismay at the new rule. “I love having a family chat.”

“I know, precious girl. Me too. Now, let’s clean up and go reheat dinner.”

“Don’t tell Remy we’re eating food that’s sat out for a while,” she told him. “He seems to have a strange thing about that.”

“I think he’s had a bit of a tough life since his parents died.”

“But it’s going to be better now,” she said.

“All of our lives are going to be.”



Remy glanced up, surprised to see Clint walking toward him. He was just finishing up for the day and about to head back to his cabin.

“How are things going?”

“Good.” Remy raised an eyebrow, wondering where this was going. While Clint was a good boss and person, they weren’t exactly friends.

“Yeah? Just happened to notice you’ve had a face like thunder for the past couple of days. Is it the job? Or something in your personal life?”

Ahh, he’d forgotten the warning from one of the other hands that Clint was a nosey bastard, who liked to take care of everyone on the ranch like they were his children.

“Not the job.”

“So personal life? Woman trouble?”

“You really are nosey, huh?” he grumbled.

Clint just grinned, undaunted.

Remy wasn’t about to completely open up to a stranger. But the fact was, he was feeling off. He missed Isa. Hell, he even missed Loki. Talking on the phone and texting wasn’t the same. Sure, he’d see her tomorrow night at the quiz, but there was a part of him that wondered if they really needed him . . . missed him. Or now that he’d helped them get together . . . was he chopped liver?