This was the kindest thing he’d ever done. He ran off, got his car and then set everything up.

Huh, she hadn’t thought Shawn was the type of guy who’d be this helpful.

When her car was going, he disconnected everything and walked back over to her.

“Thanks, Shawn, I appreciate it.” She shut her door and opened the window.

He stared down at her. Right into her boobs. She gritted her teeth. This. Guy.

Couldn’t even do a nice thing without staring at her.

“No worries. Now you owe me, huh?” he replied.

“Um, yeah. Sure. Bye.”

She reversed out of her parking space without looking at him again.

It was official. She definitely needed a new job.

* * *

When Isa steppedinto the house, her mouth dropped open and she paused. Their table, which was between the couch and kitchen was laid out with tablecloth and candles. The lights had been dimmed in the rest of the room and there was soft music playing.

“What’s going on?” she whispered.

“There you are. I was wondering if I was going to have to go looking for you.” Loki was smiling, but there was a note of worry in his voice.

“I’m sorry,” she said as she put down her handbag and stripped off her blazer. “When I tried to start my car, I discovered that my battery was dead.”

She decided not to tell him about the open car door. She wasn’t in the mood for a scolding.

Oh, she better text Remy that she was home. She fired him off a text and he sent her back a good night.

“What is all this?” she asked.

“I thought we could have a romantic dinner,” Loki told her, holding out his hand.

She smiled shyly at him, taking his hand and letting him lead her to the table.

It was silly, she’d had thousands of dinners with this man.

But now she was nervous.

He drew out her chair and then disappeared into the kitchen, returning with plates of spaghetti with toasted ciabatta.

Her favorite dinner.

God. There she went getting all teary-eyed again.

“Tink? Are you all right?” Loki asked as he sat to the right of where she sat at the head.

Turning, she threw herself at him and he caught her. Pushing his chair back, he settled her on his lap.

“Hey now.” Loki held her tight. “Are you all right? What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

“I just . . . I really appreciate you.” She drew back and looked up at him. “Not sure if I’ve ever told you this, but your friendship . . . it means everything to me and now you’re mine. And it’s like every dream I ever had.”

Well . . . the dreams where she had both of them.