“Isabelle,” he said warningly.

“I d-don’t need it. I t-think my c-car is fine to d-drive.”

His eyes widened. “You are not driving your car.”

She frowned at him. How come he was so big even when he was crouching down? It wasn’t fair. “I can’t leave it h-here.”

“It will be fine. I’ll move it farther off the road.”

But she needed it, didn’t she? Well, she guessed she could get someone to pick her up to get it tomorrow.

“N-need to lock it.”

“I’ll do that. Need anything out of it?” he asked.

“My phone and wallet. And k-keys.” She reached up to rub her head.

“Your head hurts still?” he asked.

“Um. Yeah. I a-already had a headache when I left w-work. It’s j-just worse now.”

“Hospital.” The word was barked out.

“No! No, please.” She reached out and grabbed his arm before she thinking better of it. She snatched her hand back. “S-sorry.” A sob escaped her. It was just all too much.

She couldn’t go to the hospital.

And she wanted Loki. And Razzie.

She just wanted someone to hug her and tell her everything was going to be all right. If Loki was here, he’d take over. He’d know just what to do.

People thought he was always wild because that’s what they mostly saw. But they didn’t see the real Loki, her Lachie. He was protective and caring.

Sort of bossy, too.

He sighed. “Baby, you can touch me.”

She could? But after their kiss last night . . . well, she’d gotten the impression that he didn’t want her near him. Touching him.

“I’m s-so confused.”

“I know.” He studied her again for a long moment. “Hospital or me.”

What the heck did that mean?

“W-what?” she asked.

“Either I take you to the hospital or I go home with you.”

“I’m n-not going t-to the h-hospital.”

There was no way. She hated hospitals. The only times she’d been near one in the last twenty years were if her friends needed her.

Never for herself.

Maybe if Loki was here she might manage it. But he wasn’t. He was off in the woods and she was by herself.

“Please. I can’t,” she begged.