“You like it, Tink?” Loki asked as he climbed up, carrying a picnic basket.

“Yes!” Turning, she hugged Loki, who had taken his shirt off earlier.

Loki hugged her back. “You want to have your snack up here?”

“I’m not really hungry. Thanks.” She wandered around as Loki took a muffin out of the basket. He took the wrapper off and then popped it into her hand.

She stared down at it, then shrugged and started eating.

Loki offered him one and Remy took it with a nod of thanks.

“I thinks I might create some things to go in here,” she said as she finished off the muffin. “Can I?”

“You can make whatever you like, Tink,” Loki said, handing her sippy cup to her. “After you drink all this water.”

She pouted but started drinking.

Yep. Loki had this Daddy Dom stuff down. At least this side of it. And neither of them really seemed to realize it.

Loki helped her down and when he returned, Remy moved over to him. “Do you know you’ve been her Daddy Dom for years?”

Loki looked at him wide-eyed. “What do you mean?”

“The way you take care of her. Making sure she’s fed, that she drinks, keeping her from doing things that are too dangerous, giving her what she needs. Only thing she’s probably missing are some rules and discipline.”

Loki rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. “I have some rules for her.”

Remy raised his eyebrows.

“I didn’t really think of them in that way,” he said sheepishly. “But I don’t let her touch any of my power tools. If it snows, she isn’t allowed out until I’ve dug out the footpath and declared it safe. If it’s snowing, she doesn’t drive. When she’s out drinking, she calls me to get her, not a taxi or someone else. Things like that.”

“If she breaks the rules?”

“Um. I give her a scolding?”

“Well, now you can give her a spanking.”

Loki froze for a moment. Then he grinned. “I like that.”

“Is there anything we can do to make her more comfortable in Little headspace?” Remy asked.

If anyone would know, it would be Loki.

Loki looked thoughtful. “She’s close. She might just need to feel safe. Maybe a nudge. I was thinking when we go to Aunt Marie’s . . . well, there are two spare bedrooms here with nothing in them. Perhaps one could be a playroom.”

That was a good idea.

“Could be my job after this one,” Loki said.

“I’ll help.”

The longer they spent together, the more comfortable they got with each other.

“Oww! Ouchie!”

Loki flew down the tree, Remy following close behind.

Isa was bouncing around, holding her hand.