And she sucked a breath in, as though she could hear the difference.

“I love you too.”

He took her mouth again and she melted under him. He sensed Remy getting close to them and drew back. The other man was smiling, which surprised him.

Loki searched for any sign of jealousy. Or irritation. There was nothing.

“This all looks delicious,” Remy said. “Including the food.”

Isa giggled.

“I’m starving,” Remy said.

“Help yourself,” Loki said, moving around the kitchen to get the bagels and set out the eggs.

Isa handed Remy a plate, then she sat at the island. He put some eggs, fruit and a bagel on it. Then he placed it back in front of her.

She gaped at him. “That plate was for you.”

“For me to fill it with food for you. Eat up.”

She blushed.

Loki poured them all coffee. He made Isa’s how she liked it but left Remy’s black for him to fix. He noticed the other man didn’t put anything else in it before taking a sip.

“Eww, how can you drink it black?” she asked as she took a sip of hers and sighed with pleasure.

“I guess I just got used to it this way. Eat.” This time it was said more firmly.

Isa’s eyes widened, but she picked up her fork. “What are we gonna do today?”

“I thought we could work on the treehouse,” Loki said. “If you didn’t mind helping?”

Remy gave him a surprised look. “Yeah. I could do that.”

“Goody! I’ll help too.” Isa clapped her hands. “Loki got me a builder’s belt. I’m great at using the power saw.”

Remy’s face grew alarmed.

“She’s not allowed to use the power saw,” Loki said firmly.

Her lip dropped in a pout. “Not fair. Loki won’t let me do much. He let me measure some stuff, but the tape measure has it out for me!”

Loki snorted.

Isa picked up her mug and took a sip, peering down at the cup in surprise when she realized it was empty.

“Who drank all the coffee?”

“Eat some more of your eggs,” Loki told her as he took the mug and refilled it.

He also grabbed her sippy cup which he’d cleaned this morning and filled it with water. He put the sippy cup back into her hand as she explained to Remy her ideas for the treehouse, her hands flying through the air.

She stopped and took a breath. Then a drink of water. She gave it a surprised look as though she hadn’t realized she was holding her sippy cup.

Loki grinned and glanced over at Remy to see his lips twitching.

“You want a slide?” Remy asked.