“Baby, look at me.”

“Let go.”

“No. You’re going to look at me.”

She glanced up at him, then over to the side. Loki must have gotten up early. He was a morning person.

She wasn’t. She wasn’t a morning person or a night person. Definitely not an afternoon person.

“Baby, focus.”

Oops. Pay attention to the sexy man whose dick you want to suck.

“Good morning,” she whispered before she realized that she probably had morning breath.

Oh. My. God.

And she was breathing all over him.

With a squeak, she ducked her head down.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked.

“I’m so sorry!”

“For what?” he asked. “For sucking my nipples and grabbing hold of my dick? Baby, you can do that anytime you want. Just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing.”

“I knew what I was doing! I just didn’t realize I was doing it with morning breath. I’m just gonna . . . go . . .” She tried to slide off him, but she should have known that wasn’t going to work.

He wouldn’t let her move more than a couple of inches. Shoot.

“Isabelle, you don’t have morning breath.”

“Of course I do!”

“Well, if you do, so do I.”

Huh. She hadn’t thought about that. She managed to raise her head to look down at him. “You get morning breath?”

He grinned. “Baby, everyone does.” He brushed her hair off her face. “I don’t care about that. What I do care about is whether you were fully awake and aware just now.”

“Oh.” She blushed. “I’m not sure I’d say fully awake and aware.”

He nodded, looking serious.

“But I definitely knew what I wanted. I still do.”

“Are you sure, baby? I’m more dominant than Loki. I like to be fully in control. I’ll try to go easy on you, but are you prepared for that?”

Yeah, not only was she prepared, but she wanted it. However, she took a moment to check the impulse to just say yes.

“What does that mean exactly?” she asked.

Remy gave her a look filled with pride and she smiled, happy with herself.

“Good girl for asking. You can always ask questions and you can always use your safeword, understand?”

She nodded.