“I’s good, why?” she asked as she yawned.

“You just seem pale to me. What do you think?” he asked Loki.

Loki nodded as he sat down on her other side. “She needs to work less.”

“It’s all right, Ki-Ki.” She reached out to pat his hand. “I’m all good.”

They shared a look across her. Soon they would be talking more about that. They’d given her a deadline.

But not tonight. She needed to rest.

“Good night, precious girl,” he whispered. “Sleep tight.”

“Noo,” she grumbled. “Daddy, don’t go. Daddy stay.”

Loki shot him a look of surprise. Remy felt another surge of pride. This girl was his.

“Baby, Daddy has to get home.”

“Sleep here.”

He frowned. “I suppose I could sleep on the sofa again.” Not his favorite option, but at least he would be close by if she needed him.

“Nooo,” she grumbled. “Too far away. Sleep here. With us.”

“Us?” Loki repeated.

“Yeah. Want you to sleep here too,” she said, looking to Loki.

“Tink, you know that’s not possible.” There was such misery on his face as though it physically hurt him to say no to her.

Remy got it. He felt the same way. But he also knew he had to do what was best for her.

“Remy will be here,” she added. “He’ll keep us both safe.”

And now he felt about ten feet tall.

However, she wasn’t wrong.

He would keep them safe.

“Stay,” he said to Loki. “I’ll keep you safe.”

Loki lookedfrom the woman who held his heart to the other man who held her heart.

This wasn’t necessarily smart.

However, he wanted it. Badly.

“You won’t let me hurt her,” he said, needing to be certain.

“Never,” Remy promised.


They both stripped off to their boxers and climbed in next to her. She turned on her side and pressed her ass against his dick.
