Who would have thought that the big guy was so good at snuggling? At aftercare?

Then Loki draped himself over her as well and she turned to kiss him. It was a slow, sweet kiss that said everything that hadn’t passed their lips yet.

And so much more.

It was perfect.


Remy carried their girl into her bedroom.

It was clear to see that she was done in. After they’d made her come so explosively that she could no longer stand, he’d scooped her up and put her in the bath.

He’d bathed her while Loki tidied up and got her sippy cup, filling it up with water again for her to drink. She’d been mostly sleepy throughout all of this and Remy had wished he’d had a baby bottle to feed her.

After her bath, Remy dressed her in a pair of cute pajamas. They were pink and white striped with buttons down the top in the shape of cupcakes.

Loki pulled the blankets back fully as Remy nearly tripped over a pair of her shoes.

“We’re gonna have a talk about keeping your room tidy, young lady.” He winced after saying that. That was probably the last thing he should be saying after he finger-fucked her ass.

“Later, Daddy. Isa-Bee tired.”

The name slammed into him.

It took hold, sinking its claws into his heart, where he never wanted it to leave.


He knew she was tired and that was likely why she was sinking into Little headspace, but damn if he still didn’t love it.

Remy placed her in the middle of the bed and helped Loki tuck her in.

“Razzie? Where’s Razzie?”

“He must be still in the bathroom,” Loki said. “I’ll get him.”

She rolled over with a murmur of discontent. Her arm flung out with a grunt.

“Daddy? Where you at?”

Damn. She just kept tugging at his heart, didn’t she? Pulling him further and further into her clutches.

“I’m here, baby.”

“But I can’t see you!”

He had to grin. “Try opening your eyes, Princess.”

She opened her eyes and glared at him. His smile grew.

“I’m sure you weren’t there before.”

His poor girl. She looked done in.

Loki returned with Razzie in his hand.

“Are you feeling all right, baby?” Remy asked, placing the back of his hand over her forehead.