“I skipped leg day,” she blurted out.

Loki’s eyes widened.

“What?” Remy asked. “You skipped leg day?”

“Uh-huh. Today. And yesterday. As well as every other day. As well as arm day, tummy day, butt day, are there any other days?”

Before she could carry on blurting out a whole lot of embarrassing shit, Loki leaned forward and kissed her.

Oh, thank God.

He hoisted her up with one arm under her ass.

God, he was strong.

And she loved it.

When he drew back, her mind was swimming.

Just swimming in a sea of pleasure.

“Are you just?” Loki’s amused voice asked.

Her eyes opened wide. “Fuck. I have got to stop doing that.”

“I like it,” Remy told her, coming up behind her to sandwich her between them. “I like hearing what you’re thinking.”

Yeah, but mostly what came out was sex-related.


“Baby girl, don’t think you quite understand how much we want you. How beautiful we think you are.”

“Yeah,” Loki said in a low murmur. “Fuck leg day and the rest. If you don’t know that we think you’re perfect, then you haven’t been paying close enough attention.”

“Most beautiful girl in the world. We’re just lucky she wants us.”

“Fuck yes,” Loki added.

She flushed with pleasure and reached up to kiss Loki, then turned her head to kiss Remy.

“Bath is ready,” Remy said huskily. “Shall we get our girl ready?”

“Fuck, yes.”


Isa swore that she’d gone to sleep and woken up in one of her dirty dreams.

And it was a damn good place to be.

Each man stripped off an item of clothing.

Sweater. Gone.

Sweatpants. Gone.

T-shirt. Poof. Gone.