“Do you have your phone?” Loki asked in a patient, yet firm voice.


“Food? Water?”


“And did you tell me?” he said, his voice growing sterner.


He was pretty much a natural at this Daddy Dom stuff. It made Remy wonder how long they’d had this dynamic going for . . . even if they didn’t recognize what was going on.

“No, Ki-Ki, I’m sorry. Are you mad?”

“I’m upset that you didn’t talk to me first. We always talk to each other, Tink.”

Remy heard her sniffle and Loki groaned.

“Tink, you’re okay,” he said in a soothing voice.

Hmm. Did he always cave when she sounded like she might cry?

“Everything is all right,” Loki told her.

“You’re not m-mad at me?” she asked.

“No, Tinkerbelle. Come down, now, though. It’s cold and late. And it’s not safe up there alone.”

“I gots Razzie.”

“Well, that’s good,” Loki replied. “But he can’t really protect you or keep you warm.”

“I’m not c-cold.”

Except she sounded cold. And a bit upset. Fuck. He’d really fucked this night up. She should be curled up in Loki’s arms, not sitting in the cold and dark.

As she started to climb down, Remy stepped forward and grabbed her hips, lifting her.

“Where’s your jacket?”

“I left it behind. Sorry.” She hugged her rainbow bear against her chest.

“At least you put shoes on,” Remy grumbled as he lifted her up against his chest. Loki draped a blanket around them. “But you need gloves and a hat.”

“I know,” she said. “I wasn’t really thinking.”

“Which is why you should have talked to us. To me,” Remy told her.

“Yeah. I knows. Sometimes, I just stop thinking properly. I’m sorry I grabbed onto you and tried to make you stay when you wanted to leave.”

“Christ, baby. I didn’t want to leave,” Remy said with a groan.

“Wait. You didn’t?” She drew her head back to look up to him.

“God, no.”

“Then why were you going? I thought I scared you away wanting to, um, you know.”