And she thought that was a problem?

“Tink, that’s part of what makes it so fucking hot.” He took advantage of her open mouth and kissed her, sliding his tongue between her lips.

A low moan escaped her and she wrapped her arms around his neck as she pressed up against his dick.

That stupid fucker didn’t know when to stay down.

Didn’t he understand that Loki was getting too old for round two so quickly?

Then again . . . he’d had little action over the years so he had a lot of pent-up need.

“Fuck, Tink. You have no idea how hot that was. Or how much I want you to do that again.”

“Right now?” she asked, bouncing on his lap with enthusiasm.

Too much enthusiasm. He groaned, grabbing her hips to hold her still. She froze.

“Oh my God! Did I hurt you? I’m so sorry! Do you need an ice pack? I’ll get an ice pack. Poor Octy.”

“Um, what did you just call my dick?” he asked.

“Octy, it’s short for octopus.” Her cheeks were red.

“Why would you call his dick an octopus?” Remy asked.

“Um, you know, because he rises up from the deep and, um, gets, um, things wet,” she said very quickly.

Loki groaned. That was terrible. Truly terrible.

“Oh no, you’re in pain,” she said. “Let me get an ice pack.”

“I’m in pain because you just gave my dick a truly terrible nickname,” Loki told her. “You call him that again, and I’ll pop your ass.”

“Hey, that’s not nice. That’s not a rule.”

“It is now.” Loki gave her a firm look before he smiled. “You sucked my dick.”

“And I did a damn good job too.” A self-satisfied grin filled her face and he barked out a laugh, drawing her close.

“You sure did, Tink.”

Then his gaze hit Remy’s.

There was heat there. Satisfaction. And something else. Maybe a hint of loneliness.

Loki didn’t like that.

“So again?” she asked.

Loki turned his attention back to Isa. “No, brat. Give a man some time to catch his breath.”

She pouted.

He moved his mouth to her ear. “Although if you want to give a blow job to someone . . .”

“Oh hell, yes.” She turned in his lap, her knee just narrowly missing his dick.

Then she slid off his lap. This time she slid onto her knees more gracefully. And then she tilted her head back to look up at Remy.